In the 21st century workforce, integration is instrumental for success. In 2020, there has been rapid integration of education and technology. Previously the core of education was provided statically whereas now, education such as training, is more dynamic to the individual learner. Over time the content and delivery of work-based education has also matured and demanded a new method of delivery.
From employees to senior leaders, in order to reach an advanced career level, upskilling and reskilling is critical. The XChainZ Educational Platform seeks to provide a platform to assists individuals in obtaining the skills that will make them more valuable in the marketplace.
Traditionally, larger organizations have the time, resources, and the ability to help their employees maintain valuable skills, whereas small and medium businesses are still facing barriers. For these small and medium businesses, recruiting individuals that have skills and abilities that are valuable in the workplace, is critical to the success of the business. The XChainZ platform provides users with access to assessments, training, and coaching that assist in their increased skills and ability.
The Modules of the Educational Platform
Assessments, Training, Coaching, and the provision of Digital Credentials are the core modules of the platform and embrace today’s digital and on-demand culture. Each of the modules can be accessed by any computer, laptop, tablet, and smart-phone. This ability allows users to access their desired modules when and where they desire.
The XChainZ Platform provides AI-driven assessments that are adaptive to the specific user and provide a higher level of assessment accuracy. The Assessment Module is used to collect, evaluate, and gauge skills development gaps and needs. Skill gap identification helps students and professionals to understand which skills need to be improved or developed in order for them to meet the demands of today’s workforce.
The Training Module of the platform provides self-learning courses that support professional development and are created by trained, knowledgeable professionals in various disciplines. These training courses are designed to be a component of a comprehensive professional development roadmap and are comprised of a combination of both hard and soft skills.
The Coaching Module, that is being developed, will provide both 1-on-1 and on-demand coaching. Coaching is provided by coaches that are certified in the specific areas of personal development, career, business, and executive coaching. In addition, the module will also provide a scheduling tool that supports clients in various global time zones.
The Digital Credentialing Module of the platform will provide micro-credentials that certify the user’s areas of proficiency within a competency and specialized learning. These digital credentials are like digital badges which the students, learners, trainees will earn as they complete more courses and lessons. The certifications are powered and secured by blockchain technology and can be displayed on digital resumes and other online professional platforms.
The XCZ Reward Program and Token
To truly encourage and promote loyalty, the platform provides the XCZ token as a means of reward to both learners and educators. When users initially register on the platform, in addition to the core modules, they are also provided with access to an XCZ wallet which will record all the transactions and tokens earned.
For learners, the XCZ token can be used to purchase additional courses within the platform or traded into fiat cash. Educators such as coaches and trainers are also rewarded based on the number of training and coaching provided. Just as the leaners, the tokens can be used within the platform or traded into fiat cash.
In a NutShell
The XChainZ Educational Platform is a new link in the ever-connected 21st-century workplace, where learning new skills and abilities is invaluable to compete in today’s workforce. The Platform leverages technology, data, and automation to provide an online learning experience that equips users with the skills needed to be highly productive and successful in the development of their careers.
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